Saturday, May 9, 2020

Romeo and Juliet, Cause and Effect - 754 Words

Romeo and Juliet Cause and Effect Were Romeo and Juliet really â€Å"star-crossed† lovers? Some people may argue both ways on this subject, and there could be arguments each way. You would think only bad things could result from love between the two most hateful families ever heard of, and I also believe only bad things could result from this love Romeo and Juliet were horribly in love even though they were both in opposite sides of the Capulet – Montague historic feud. The prologue even states, â€Å"A pair of star- crossed lovers take their life†. So, we know this doomed love will take their lives. But, will they be the only casualties of this hated love? One of the people this doomed love influenced, probably more than†¦show more content†¦If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet.† So in the end Paris, Romeo, and Juliet all lay in the tomb- dead. Were Romeo and Juliet really â€Å"star-crossed† lovers? They definitely were. There love did not help anyo ne in the end. The only thing there love produced was hatred, sadness, and deaths. Even though I only discussed three people, their doomed love affected and cost the life of other people involved with the families as well. It’s safe to say, Romeo and Juliet’s love, was doomed at firstShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1552 Words   |  7 PagesRomeo and Juliet, is a story of forbidden love, drama, and identity. While most may think that this play is just one of those love stories read for entertainment, it holds a many connotations that can relate to modern society. As Romeo and Juliet s love develops, so does their deadly secret retracting them from one another more and more. As these two children learn the true meaning of love, they are blinded by the world around them. 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